Monthly Archives: September 2013

A Room with a View


This is the view i’ve looked at for nearly 5 years (thanks for making it so beautiful Liz T). I’m going to miss the people who have made working here so much fun but I am looking forward to what the future holds and to all the ever changing views we hope to experience while we are traveling – each day something different to see and do, new places to go, new people to meet and best of all food, food, food – all the different types we can try along the way. Bring it on!

I spent the morning clearing away in preparation for the new starter next Monday. Packing up my files and books and polishing my desk, i think, for the first time since i started. It was a strange sensation – happiness, excitement, nervousness, hope and sadness all rolled into one. I don’t think such an adjective exists to describe it – safe to say i have not felt like this before.

I thought i would be ok but it seems my feelings have gone into autopilot and I have surprised even myself. Its like they are at opposing ends of the spectrum – I know i am the luckiest girl alive, i have dreamed, planned and saved for this moment for what seems like an age, but then on the flip side, i guess i have got used to my life and its hum drum patterns, where i sit, what i do, when i go home and all the other flotsam and jetsam that goes with me. It is all so familiar and safe. On the one hand i hate it and on the other i love it and the bit of me in the middle cant figure it out. I must admit its a nice dilemma to have and i am not complaining just trying to understand myself.

I thought i was the sort of person that embraced change and thrived on it. Or at least i wanted to be that person. The whole process has made me step right outside of my comfort zone and look closely at my life, what aspects of it i like, what i would like to change and what i have taken for granted up until now. I started off this post about tidying away my desk but i guess it symbolically means so much more than that. I am packing away my old life putting it in a box and labeling it ‘open again in eight months time’. I wonder what it will be like coming back to it all again? Will i be different or will i be exactly the same? Cant wait to find out.

Deciding to do this blog and write about our experiences i hope will be a wonderful way to capture the whole process from start to finish – the good the bad and the ugly, i want to be totally honest and open here. I hope when i am old and wrinkly John and i can look back and remember that we were the sort of 30 something couple that took chances in life – no matter what – we took chances. That’s such a nice feeling to have. No regrets.

All my love



Chillin with my homie

Having a few beers with my oldest friend Mr D Factor. Love him to pieces.

DW xxx

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The Sweetest Gift

The inspiration for the blog title. Beautiful song.



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Just a few observations…(by Debs)

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I am feeling a little bit nervous about the prospect of a 14 day hike up a 5,500m mountain in Nepal. Here are a few things I have learnt so far in training:

1. My feet don’t like being in shoes of any kind especially big, heavy hiking boots
2. I have prominent heels (don’t ask!)
2a. My hands get all swollen.
3. I need to invest in water proofs. Sweaty Betty is just not going to cut it
4. When I get hungry I get angry. Poor John
5. I loved the challenge and was determined to Get.Up.That.Sodding.Hill.
6. Came as a complete surprise to me but Nobody can beat me when it comes to going downhill. I’m like “s**t off a stick” as John politely described it. I just wanted to get back down and put my flip flops on.

Overall I’m a bit nervous. I need to rise to the challenge and get on with it. As long as I pack my flip flops I am sure I will be ok. I just feel sorry for John because I know at some point he will end looking like a local Sherpa with my back pack strapped to his front but I think that is a reality he is prepared for.

Does anybody know if GHD do wireless travel straighteners? No…seriously?


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In training…(by Debs)

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Up Whernside in the dales. Zero visibility and no view! We did have a nice picnic though!